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Lethal Rider Larissa Ione Larissa Ione 9780749955526 Books

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Lethal Rider Larissa Ione Larissa Ione 9780749955526 Books

Lots of people condemn Regan for restraining Thanatos and what she did was terrible. She started her relationship with him with a lie. A lie that the Aegis, her only home and identity, forced her to fulfill. Few seem to recall that she had changed her mind and was planning to leave Thanatos' keep after Limos' disastrous wedding revelations . Thanatos came to her and he offered her the drugged mead. Read it and you'll see. Neither one of them knew the mead was drugged. Drugging him was never part of her plan. The poison effected her because she was human but not Thanatos. He's immortal. He wanted to be intimate with her but not go all the way because he feared his seal would break. Regan didn't know this nor did she remember in her drugged state that her restraining powers would be activated when she was excited and aroused. She only heard part of the pleas that Than cried out because she was drugged. When she realized what she had done and that Than couldn't get free, she fled and that was wrong but Than was threatening to break her neck once he got free of her restraints. He was justifiably angry. He's super powerful and Regan with all of her issues, and she had a lot, was scared and ashamed. Shade didn't give her a chance to speak that she didn't want to go through with the pregnancy and used his power to fertilize her egg with Than's sperm. If both of them had been a little honest about their motivations, things would have turned out differently but then we wouldn't have such a good story.

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Lethal Rider Larissa Ione Larissa Ione 9780749955526 Books Reviews

Review by Cassandra from Book Talk

My Thoughts
Wow. Just wow. This book rocks. Things are heating up and about to boil over in this third installment of the Lords of Deliverance. In the last book, Regan completed her mission for the Aegis and became pregnant with Than's baby. Luckily, his seal was not broken along with his virginity, but they learn what will break it. After being incapacitated for eight months, Than is going after what he wants, and that's revenge. Regan is kidnapped and held by this immortal warrior and her world is about to change even more than it already has. New enemies are revealed, Pestilence is growing stronger than they ever imagined, and the odds for the good side are looking small. Alliances are ruptured and groups are fractured, but this is just the beginning. This book has so much going on at every turn. There are so many sides at play, each with their own agenda. It's intriguing to try to figure out who all has their hands in the occurrences. I absolutely love this book. The action is fantastic along with all the secrets that are revealed. The relationship between Regan and Than is so complicated. It's a pleasure to learn of their pasts, fears, and their journey to work things out with each other. This is one of my favorites of these books and leaves you determined to read the next one. I highly recommend you go out and get this entire series. It is worth every penny! Warning adult content and violence.
After finishing book 2, Immortal Rider, I couldn't stand Regan, the heroine of Lethal Rider. I felt like what she did to Than, completely deceiving him and taking something from him that he said no to, was such a violation. I had no idea how I was going to be able to get behind Regan as a lead character and Than's heroine. Larissa Ione made it happen. The book opens up 8 ½ months after Regan's actions force sex with Than and results in her pregnancy. Instead of Than's seal breaking during sex which he had always believed would happen, his seal turns out to be his son...and won't that open up the flood gates for different people to want that little baby.

Than, who has been paralyzed by Ares and Limos for the past 8 months comes out of his paralysis faster than they were expecting and heads straight for Regan. She's staying at the Aegis headquarters and having her own problems with a vampire that wants her dead. Than comes in just in time and takes her to his keep, so he can figure out what to do with her. Than is so full of anger, rightfully so, and the hurt and pain and all the lies that he feels from Regan don't just magically go away. They struggle through much of the first half of the book to feel their way with each other. Than has a way with cutting words right to Regan's heart and that's what ultimately had me starting to sympathize with her. Regan didn't have the best childhood and the only place she ever felt wanted was with the Aegis. While I still don't agree with what she did to Than, I started to understand it better as more details about her life came out and I slowly became a fan of hers.

Than and his siblings have a whole lot of problems going on around them, in addition to Than worrying about how to keep his unborn son safe. Pestilence is still growing stronger and stronger, he's deceiving people left and right, killing without thought and he wants to kill Than's son, badly. Gone is any trace of Reseph and it becomes very clear that Than's original plan to try and find a way to save Reseph just isn't going to happen. They need to kill Pestilence and put a stop to all the death and destruction he's bringing down on the world. He attacks the Aegi and even Underground General. It shouldn't be shocking at this point, but the killings that he brings down on those that are close to Ares, Limos and Than are heartless. He's hitting them close home and with the power he has now, stopping him is proving to be next to impossible for the Horsemen.

Than and Regan's relationship plays a huge role in the book, and their build up from basically hatred and shame on Regan's part to acceptance, forgiveness and finally love took time and didn't come easy. I went from cheering Than every time he landed a well placed verbal hit against Regan, to cringing and feeling bad for her once her story started coming out. I really liked Than's progression. He has always dreamed about having a family, but with the curse of what he thought was his seal, he never thought it would be possible. While I'd never say he turned into a big softy around Regan once he found out she was pregnant, he certainly fell in love with his son early on. For this couple, it was the little things that had each of them starting to see the other person through new eyes. A book from Regan to Than, Than letting some of her co-workers come to his keep so she'd have some familiar faces around her. It was little things like that that led them to find some common ground. And of course, the sex between them - hot. With Regan being 8 ½ months pregnant, it couldn't get too crazy, but Than and Regan were both very inexperienced and they were able to use that common ground as well to become more comfortable around each other, and Than had many, many years of celibacy to make up for!

What I wasn't expecting at all was the storyline for Pestilence. The one question I've always had throughout the three books was how in the world was Reseph going to be able to come back? His set up occurs at the end and it was surprising to me that happened, but Ione has a way of building up the next book so well that I finished Than and Regan's story and I immediately wanted to find out what's going to happen to Reseph.

I loved this book. It's fast paced, the action hits not only the Horsemen, but the demons at UG. My biggest concern going in was Regan, but I was satisfied with her and Than's story. It's emotional, and they really are the perfect match for each other. I was so happy for Than, finding happiness and a family that he'd always dreamed of. Of course, nothing is easy in these books, and he makes a sacrifice at the end that will impact their future, but it's nothing that they won't be able to handle together. I loved everything about this story and I'm SO anxious to find out what's going to happen with Reseph.
I didn’t realize when starting this book that it is part of a series. So, with that said, while I can’t wait to read the other books in the series, you don’t have to read them in order for this book to make sense.

This book is centered around Thanatos and Regan, and boy is their story drama filled and action packed. It is superbly written to depict both of their internal struggles with trusting each other and their feelings, while featuring the appropriate amount of steamy time. I didn’t see the ending coming, but am so glad it turned out the way it did. Highly recommend this series to anyone who loves fantasy and mythology as this book is heavy in both along with biblical aspects that keep you hooked until the last page. Definitely a fantastic read!!
Lots of people condemn Regan for restraining Thanatos and what she did was terrible. She started her relationship with him with a lie. A lie that the Aegis, her only home and identity, forced her to fulfill. Few seem to recall that she had changed her mind and was planning to leave Thanatos' keep after Limos' disastrous wedding revelations . Thanatos came to her and he offered her the drugged mead. Read it and you'll see. Neither one of them knew the mead was drugged. Drugging him was never part of her plan. The poison effected her because she was human but not Thanatos. He's immortal. He wanted to be intimate with her but not go all the way because he feared his seal would break. Regan didn't know this nor did she remember in her drugged state that her restraining powers would be activated when she was excited and aroused. She only heard part of the pleas that Than cried out because she was drugged. When she realized what she had done and that Than couldn't get free, she fled and that was wrong but Than was threatening to break her neck once he got free of her restraints. He was justifiably angry. He's super powerful and Regan with all of her issues, and she had a lot, was scared and ashamed. Shade didn't give her a chance to speak that she didn't want to go through with the pregnancy and used his power to fertilize her egg with Than's sperm. If both of them had been a little honest about their motivations, things would have turned out differently but then we wouldn't have such a good story.
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